8 September, 2024

Learning Contentment

His brother was doing very well. High flying and living large. The brother was generous to the family. Picked up bills. No one could say precisely what the brother did for a living.

Anytime he visited the brother’s office, he was amazed at the opulence. The brother had taste and it reflected.He was not happy asking his brother for money. He wanted to learn how to fish. He told his brother to empower him. Teach him the trade, so he could learn how to do it. That never happened. At a point, he made his own way.At family functions, the brother was still the big spender. The don. The one respected.

Then one day he got a call to come and bail his brother He rushed off. His brother had been arrested for fraud. His brother was said to be a serial fraudster. He couldn’t believe it. Who did he dupe?

His brother saw him. Cried and hugged him. “I got myself into this mess. I will get myself out. Now you understand why I did not teach you the trade. There really was nothing to teach. I am heavily leveraged. Then the walls caved in because there was no foundation. But I had to keep up appearances. Please focus on your business, build it with solid building blocks. Don’t live to impress people that actually do not care about you”.

The brother felt sad for him. So this was it for Kingsley. He made up his mind to support his brother. To help him sort out the mess.He opened his social media account, one of Kingsley’s friends just bought himself the latest Bentley.

In times past he would have asked “God when?” But he entered his Toyota… he was building to last.

Contentment will make you happy and wealthy.

Written by Ademola .H. Adigun


An experienced software engineer who loves to read and share his thoughts.

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